Introducing… The Bay Fish and Chips’ Bespoke Reusable Coffee Cups

Look around, how many bespoke reusable coffee cups do you see? Reusable coffee cups offer any business that sells hot drinks significant value, both in terms of branding and showing a commitment to environmental issues, especially considering the current recycling climate.

Disposable cups are a big problem. For example, did you know that disposable cups cannot be recycled easily as, even though they are made from recyclable cardboard, they have a tightly bonded, difficult to remove, polythene liner that is not accepted by paper mills? Just one in 400 cups are recycled – and considering half a million disposable coffee cups are used throughout Britain every day, the time for businesses to use bespoke reusable coffee cups has never been more prevalent.

Proud of their commitment to sustainability, and their awareness of environmental issues and trends, The Bay wanted to create a set of bespoke reusable coffee cups that reflected who they were as a business, but they struggled to find a quality cup supplier that could print the bespoke design they had in mind and so, they approached Eat Marketing.

Having previously worked with The Bay, updating their branding, website and other marketing materials, we were in the perfect position to source bespoke reusable coffee cups that would fit perfectly with their brand by adding that all important unique design to the cups.

We soon got to work, creating a few different concept designs with messaging options. Needless to say, they were delighted and inspired! The result? Their chosen design incorporated their signature cool blue colour, logo and eye-catching black and white images.

What do you think?

We also added that little bit extra with a fun, Scottish drink related message on the back for added individuality and personality.

The Bay Fish and Chips now have a unique product with their bespoke reusable coffee cups, one they can use to promote their eco-friendly credentials, as well as using them to get their strong, eye-catching brand out there. And, with customers from as far as the US and Japan who knows where The Bay Coffee Cups will end up!

If you would like to know more about creating branded products that could make a big impact for your business, call us today on 0845 835 4661 or email


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