Food Social Media, the Way Forward for Today’s Food Businesses

food social media

Social Media is everywhere, it’s a big part of so many people’s lives and savvy businesses know that utilising this easy to use network is the way forward when it comes to spreading the word about what they have to offer. For food businesses, there is the distinct advantage of being able to whet people’s appetites with their food products; food social media is interactive, personal, interesting and instant.

A perfect example of food social media at its best is Coconut Bliss; this relatively small company (which makes and markets organic, soy/gluten/dairy free coconut milk ice cream) actively engage in food social media on a regular basis by using promotions, awards, giveaways, updates and sound bites about their products. They also use the strategic power of partnerships to their advantage; their facebook page, (which incidentally, has over 15,000 likes, a fantastic achievement for such a small business) is crammed with posts and updates about their partnerships. Using partnerships is an interesting part of their food social media strategy as these relationships help them take their products to even more people – and they make the company seem personal, friendly and supportive of other businesses and local projects.

Have you thought of using social media as a way of reaching potential customers? By adopting a food social media strategy, you are actively letting people know about your business and setting up a dialogue between your company and your customers. People like to know that they can reach you; if you look on facebook, twitter and instagram, you will notice numerous food businesses (big and small) using social media – not only as a way to let people know about their products, but also as a way to interact with customers. It is also useful for marketing strategies as you can use social media to analyse online reviews, feedback, search engine optimisation or even target certain groups of people for different products.

If you would like to know more about how to conduct an effective food social media plan, including ways to improve your likes on facebook and other social media outlets, contact us today. Here at Eat Marketing, we can help you put together a strategy that is right for you and your food business. To arrange a no obligation meeting, call us on 0845 8354661 we look forward to hearing from you.

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