Ho! Ho! Ho! Christmas advertising… it’s never too early to think about it!

Ho! Ho! Ho! Christmas advertising… it’s never too early to think about it!

It may seem strange to talk about Christmas during summer, but in terms of marketing, it’s never too early to plan your Christmas advertising. Christmas is such a lucrative time for food businesses as people love to get into the festive spirit and indulge! Thinking about what you want to do now gives you plenty of time to get some great ideas and tweak your campaigns for Christmas advertising so that you can hit all the marketing channels in the right way.

Have we put you in a festive mood yet? If you like the idea of a Christmas advertising plan, but are unsure about how or where to start, our list of helpful questions are designed to get you thinking so that you gain a better idea of what you want to achieve – and what you need to do next…

  • Do you want more people to know about your shop or your products?
  • Do you have a clear USP (unique selling point) and do people know what it is, or would you like to know how to communicate ‘who you are’ and ‘what you do’ more effectively?
  • Does your website receive a good flow of visitors, or would you like to increase the flow of traffic you get?
  • Is your website up to date or could it do with a bit of a revamp?
  • Do you use social media and/or blogs as a way of promoting your business and as a way of interacting with your customers?
  • Are you getting the most out of your existing customer base?
  • Do you have a steady stream of new customers for your food business?
  • Do you feel that you need to raise your profile? Would you like help to do so?
  • Do you have a system whereby you listen to, and act upon, the opinions of your customers? Do your customers know their feedback matters to you?

Have we given you food for thought? If you would like to get in early with your Christmas advertising campaigns and start saying yes to the niggling questions we have raised at the same time, contact us here at Eat Marketing. We’ll help pull together a strategy that is perfect for your business – and for Christmas!

Call us today; we look forward to hearing from you.

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